
Please note that not all clubs are up and running yet, as we are still in the process of getting advisors and scheduling. 
Please email the club contact, or check the website again in a couple of weeks! 


Green Mountain Elementary Choir rehearsals are held each Wednesday after school from 3:30 to 4:00 p.m. Fourth and fifth grade students are eligible to participate. Students must have their parents' permission and provide their own transportation home.  Please contact Mr. Dahl, our choir director, for further details.     (Permission Slip Required)
Phone - 662-8716 or Email - [email protected]

Job Squad

4th & 5th Grade Students are invited to apply for various jobs around the school. These jobs help our students develop a sense of pride and belonging, as well as providing a service to our school. Some jobs include flag raiser, green team recyclers, teacher assistant, assembly crew, just to name a few.

Student Recognition

When a staff member sees a Green Mountain student doing something positive, they may give them an ICU slip (meaning ‘I See You’ doing something "PAW"sitive!).  An ICU can be given to any student by any staff member (particularly if it’s tied to the Green Mountain ABCs).  Each week there is a drawing in each classroom where names of winners are read during our morning announcements.  Along with the school wide recognition, the PTA sponsors a free Otter Pop treat for each winner.


Safety Patrol

4th & and 5th grade students are eligible for the school Safety Patrol Program. Training and parent permission is required. Students must conduct themselves responsibly to serve.

Trained student safety patrol members man the crosswalks and drop-off zones for students waling and being picked up from school.  Walking students need to leave school promptly to go home and cross only at the cross-walk.
The student guards will be on duty 20 minutes before school begins.  They will stay for 10 minutes after school is dismissed.

Mr. Lancaster ([email protected]) is the Safety Patrol Supervisor.  Look for more information to come home the first week of school.

Page Masters

Our Green Mountain Library is truly the “heart of the school”. It houses books that help student and staff members alike. It is important for us to keep these materials in good condition and in order, so we all find what we need quickly. Page Masters are responsible for shelving the books for their section, dusting their shelves, and making sure books are in the correct order and that their shelves are in tip-top shape. They also need to have a good attitude, and cooperate with fellow students and teachers. Page Master’s time in the library is NOT an indoor recess, but an opportunity for them to develop and practice “on the job” work skills while they help serve the people in our school.