Good attendance is a great way to promote success in school. Being in class and on time are strongly linked with students who do well in school. This is why we take attendance so seriously.
Contact us as soon as possible if you know your child will be absent. Please report your child's absence using the form below or calling our main office before 9 a.m.
Unexcused Absences
When we do not hear from you, we will try to verify your child’s absence by contacting you via robocall, email, and a second phone call. If we do not receive a note or phone contact within two days of the absence, the absence is considered unexcused. Unexcused absences can carry serious consequences.
According to our district policy and state law, your child’s absence may be excused for illnesses, religious observances and family emergencies. Unexcused absences can carry serious consequences.
Extended Absence Request
If you are planning an absence that will require your child to miss more than 3 days, the Extended Absence Request form will need to be submitted at least 5 school days prior to the absence.
If you are reporting a late arrival, please let the office know if your child will need to order a hot lunch.