WE BELIEVE homework is an important tool: It promotes learning and student achievement. It helps students carry their learning activities outside the school setting. Homework reinforces and enriches school experiences, and promotes independence and responsibility. The partnership between home and school is strengthened when parents monitor and support a daily homework routine.
Homework at Green Mountain is intended to serve the following purposes:
- For students to practice learned skills
- For students to practice independence
- For students to complete work that they did not complete during class time
We believe that time for homework should not take away from quality family time. It is up to individual teachers whether or not to assign homework.
Extended Leave
Parents should request permission from the principal and classroom teacher if their child will be going on an extended leave from school (i.e. more than 3 days absence for family business). An extended leave request form is required, at least two weeks before the planned leave. Visit our attendance page to learn more about extended leave and to download the form.
Teachers communicate with families in a variety of ways -- phone calls, Classroom Dojo app, Remind app, email and class letters. Parents and teachers may collaborate to schedule in-person or phone conference(s) during the district's Elementary Parent Conference window and/or anytime needed. Our office will communicate via phone calls, Enews email, website and SchoolMessenger calls.
Student achievement improves when parents, students, and teachers keep an open line of communication regarding academic performance/progress and behaviors.